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Yesterday I had the opportunity to testify before the New Hampshire House Judiciary Committee in favor of CACR15, a proposed constitutional amendment I wrote along with Rep. Josh Yokela. The amendment would restore crucial Constitutional protections for individuals while, at the same time, preserving government’s ability to engage in legitimate criminal investigations. It does this by precisely restricting the scope of the “third-party doctrine” to that it originally enjoyed: government obtaining information shared as part of a criminal scheme. Under CACR15, information shared, for a limited purpose, as part of a legally enforceable contract, would once again enjoy the protection of a warrant requirement.

Watch my full testimony (about 20 minutes) below. Thank you to Rep. Josh Yokela for having the vision to propose this amendment, and for inviting me out to discuss it. Many people care about privacy, but think nothing can be done about it. We’re trying to change that.

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